How many employees in GOWORLD LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT?
From a small-scale company to a company with complete facilities and strong economic strength, FOSHAN GOWORLD LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT CO., LTD has grown a lot and now has several departments made up of professionals, designers, sales elites, and senior technicians. We strictly select and hire employees who are required to have rich experience in this industry and know the performance and characteristics of hospital washing machine deeply. In addition, our employees need to have a deep understanding of our corporate culture and management concepts, which is very important for company growth.

For years, GOWORLD LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT has never been stopping inventing and manufacturing quality laundry equipment. We have evolved into a reliable manufacturer in the industry. The self service washing machine series is one of the main products of GOWORLD LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT. This product has the required stiffness. Due to its mechanical properties, such as tensile strength and hardness, it can withstand different failure modes. It uses an advanced touch control system. GOWORLD LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT takes pride in its fabulous gas steam boiler and lead the industry over the world. It consumes little energy and thus saves the environment.
Our vision is to develop washer extractor related technologies and to improve washer extractor design. Ask!

For years, GOWORLD LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT has never been stopping inventing and manufacturing quality laundry equipment. We have evolved into a reliable manufacturer in the industry. The self service washing machine series is one of the main products of GOWORLD LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT. This product has the required stiffness. Due to its mechanical properties, such as tensile strength and hardness, it can withstand different failure modes. It uses an advanced touch control system. GOWORLD LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT takes pride in its fabulous gas steam boiler and lead the industry over the world. It consumes little energy and thus saves the environment.
Our vision is to develop washer extractor related technologies and to improve washer extractor design. Ask!
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