25KG electric heating industrial and commercial use washing machineInquire
35kghospital washing equipment,hospital washer extractorInquire
15kg steam heating hospital laundry machineInquire
50kg steam electric or gas heating hospital laundry dryer,tumble dryerInquire
35kg laundry hospital machine laundry washing machineInquire
25kghospital washing machine,washer extractorInquire
100kg electric heating hospital laundry equipment(washer,dryer)Inquire
Utility laundry press ,industrial press machine for T-skirtInquire
YZII-3000 Double Roller and Chest heated flatwork ironer for hospitalInquire
150kg commercial hot sales drying machineInquire
50KG electric heating hospital washing machineInquire
50kg hospital use laundry machine,50kg washer extractorInquire
health barrier washer extractor-hospital washing machineInquire
hospital equipment- touch screen type barrier washer extractorInquire
30kglaundry machine(washer extractor,dryer)Inquire
35kg hospital use automatic drying machineInquire
Chest Heated hotel and hospital type flatwork ironerInquire
semi-automatic industrial tumble dryerInquire
80kg laundry tumble dryer for clothes jeansInquire
120kg steam heating hospital use laundry equipmentInquire
fixed washer extractor,hard mounted washing machineInquire

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