How many years of experience does GOWORLD LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT have in producing commercial tumble dryer?
Since the inception, FOSHAN GOWORLD LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT CO., LTD has started to manufacture commercial tumble dryer. In the past years, we have made inputs into the development and research, automated production, after-sales service, and new launches. This is why we can never fall behind and maintain a leading position in the industry. The products, wide in application, flexible in use, and promising in market prospect, are sure to go further in the future market. GOWORLD LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT would spend more time upgrading the commercial tumble dryer and penetrating into more countries and regions.

After years of devotion to this industry, GOWORLD LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT has finally had a rank among the leading position that is recognized by the competitors. GOWORLD LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT's main products include flatwork ironer series. This product is in strict accordance with ISO9001 and meets the requirements of quality control system. It protects the laundry and prevents fiber damage or pilling during the work. The product keeps track with the market development and has been well accepted by the customers. It makes the cleaned textiles meet appropriate hygienically clean standards and established industry guidelines.
Sustainability is a core element of our company. We support the value chain in making sound decisions on sustainability, and that drives actions and collaborations with a tangible impact on people, planet, and performance.

After years of devotion to this industry, GOWORLD LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT has finally had a rank among the leading position that is recognized by the competitors. GOWORLD LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT's main products include flatwork ironer series. This product is in strict accordance with ISO9001 and meets the requirements of quality control system. It protects the laundry and prevents fiber damage or pilling during the work. The product keeps track with the market development and has been well accepted by the customers. It makes the cleaned textiles meet appropriate hygienically clean standards and established industry guidelines.
Sustainability is a core element of our company. We support the value chain in making sound decisions on sustainability, and that drives actions and collaborations with a tangible impact on people, planet, and performance.
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