How can I visit GOWORLD LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT factory?
You are able to know the address from our website and access to the specific destination by navigation system. The route to FOSHAN GOWORLD LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT CO., LTD factory would be shown very clearly. If you intend to pay a visit to our factory, you can contact our staff in advance. They would love to pick you up at the airport and take you to our factory. We sincerely welcome you to pay a trip on us and try our self-service laundry machine, etc.

GOWORLD LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT is a specialist supplier of stacking washer dryer. We have been offering clients a reliable and efficient manufacturing service for years. The semi auto washing machine is one of the main products of GOWORLD LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT. laundry press machine with moderate weight is easy in assembly, disassembly and transportation. Moreover, the reasonable floor area makes it suitable for temporary housing. Due to these features, this product is used in various industrial applications. Its operation panel provides selections of Chinese or English display.
Our market position is to be the leader in the industry. To achieve this goal, we will grasp new technologies to optimize our products and strengthen our innovative capabilities.

GOWORLD LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT is a specialist supplier of stacking washer dryer. We have been offering clients a reliable and efficient manufacturing service for years. The semi auto washing machine is one of the main products of GOWORLD LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT. laundry press machine with moderate weight is easy in assembly, disassembly and transportation. Moreover, the reasonable floor area makes it suitable for temporary housing. Due to these features, this product is used in various industrial applications. Its operation panel provides selections of Chinese or English display.
Our market position is to be the leader in the industry. To achieve this goal, we will grasp new technologies to optimize our products and strengthen our innovative capabilities.
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