The location of FOSHAN GOWORLD LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT CO., LTD can be obtained on our website or you can simply contact our staff to investigate further detailed information. Enjoying a convenient location and boasting to finest-quality self-service laundry machine, it has brought many clients to pay it visits. You're welcome to see it at any moment. Simply make contact beforehand, it could arrange its specialist staff to pick up you at the specified location.

GOWORLD LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT differentiates itself by providing high quality industrial laundry equipment in China. We have been widely recognized in the international market. The flatwork ironer is one of the main products of GOWORLD LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT. The production of GOWORLD laundry spotting machine strictly complies with ISO standard manufacturing processes. It will look new after years of use due to our coating process. The product can remove viruses and bacteria that filters cannot remove by adding some chemical agents such as nanosilver antibacterial powder. It will keep running at large loads for years to come, giving users quite a bit of extra productivity.
Our market position is to be the leader in the industry. To achieve this goal, we will grasp new technologies to optimize our products and strengthen our innovative capabilities.

GOWORLD LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT differentiates itself by providing high quality industrial laundry equipment in China. We have been widely recognized in the international market. The flatwork ironer is one of the main products of GOWORLD LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT. The production of GOWORLD laundry spotting machine strictly complies with ISO standard manufacturing processes. It will look new after years of use due to our coating process. The product can remove viruses and bacteria that filters cannot remove by adding some chemical agents such as nanosilver antibacterial powder. It will keep running at large loads for years to come, giving users quite a bit of extra productivity.
Our market position is to be the leader in the industry. To achieve this goal, we will grasp new technologies to optimize our products and strengthen our innovative capabilities.
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