Any suppliers selling self-service laundry machine at ex-works price?
Now in China, the suppliers selling self-service laundry machine at ex-work price can be either factories or trading companies. There is no doubt about the supplies by factories who control the whole production themselves. Regarding the latter, the companies are now concerned much about the clients. They deeply understand that the clients would like to purchase low-price China made products. Hence, they establish partnerships with many factories, which allow them to provide the products most suitable for different clients. For example, the products certified internationally, the products priced low, and the products exported from coastal areas. To sum up, we cannot deny that both of the patterns have their own superiorities and the purchasers could make the decisions according to their real situations.

Since the foundation, FOSHAN GOWORLD LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT CO., LTD is a professional manufacturer gathering research, development, production, and export of commercial tumble dryer. The folding machine is one of the main products of GOWORLD LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT. GOWORLD extractor washing machine delivers professional design concepts and advanced production methods. It is not prone to breed mildew and mold. This product is widely used and has great market potential. It has a heavy duty shaft for long-term reliability and performance.
We think highly of the environmental-friendly production model. We'll make sure the production activities to comply with all legal stipulations and laws.

Since the foundation, FOSHAN GOWORLD LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT CO., LTD is a professional manufacturer gathering research, development, production, and export of commercial tumble dryer. The folding machine is one of the main products of GOWORLD LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT. GOWORLD extractor washing machine delivers professional design concepts and advanced production methods. It is not prone to breed mildew and mold. This product is widely used and has great market potential. It has a heavy duty shaft for long-term reliability and performance.
We think highly of the environmental-friendly production model. We'll make sure the production activities to comply with all legal stipulations and laws.
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